Groot v18.1

Groot v18.1 is now available.

Groot is a tiny utility to chroot into a Linux system installed on another partition or directory. It is similar to the arch-chroot command available on Arch Linux, and based on the same script. It can be used on any Linux distribution.

It’s useful for installing and updating packages on an installed system without booting from it. It’s also useful for fixing boot issues when a system is unable to boot.


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Polo File Manager v18.1 BETA

Polo v18.1 is now available.

What’s New

File Compare

Options were added for comparing text files. Selected file is taken as first file for comparison. It can be compared with a file of same name in opposite pane, or with another file in another location. Beyond Compare will be used if installed on the system. Diffuse will be used if Beyond Compare is not found.


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