Polo v18.1 is now available.
What’s New
File Compare
Options were added for comparing text files. Selected file is taken as first file for comparison. It can be compared with a file of same name in opposite pane, or with another file in another location. Beyond Compare will be used if installed on the system. Diffuse will be used if Beyond Compare is not found.

New Bookmarks Popup
Bookmarks popup was redesigned. Left side displays the “Places” panel with standard system locations like Documents, Downloads, etc. Right side displays user bookmarks. Bookmarks panel can be scrolled vertically if number of items exceeds the display area.
- Clicking Bookmark button will add/remove bookmark for current location.
- Clicking Edit button will switch to editing mode.

The Edit button switches to an editing mode.
- Clicking on bookmark name will rename the item
- Clicking on X will remove the item
- Clicking and dragging will re-order the item

Exit editing mode by clicking Edit button again, or close the popup to save changes.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Fixed a lag while navigating folders. The lag was due to changes that were done in previous version for querying folders asynchronously.
- Added appdata file for displaying app info and screenshots in Software Center applications
- Added “Properties” to right-click menu in Devices popup
- GPT label info will be displayed in file system properties
- Installers now use XZ compression and are much smaller in size
Polo includes a few extra features and plugins for people who have contributed to the project through donations, translations, etc. You can make a donation for $10 or more via PayPal to receive the plugins by email. Your contributions will help keep the project alive and support future development.
PayPal ~ If you find this application useful and wish to say thanks, you can buy me a coffee by making a donation with Paypal.

Patreon ~ You can also sign up as a sponsor on Patreon.com. As a patron you will get access to beta releases of new applications that I’m working on. You will also get news and updates about new features that are not published elsewhere.

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