Baqpaq v21.09

Baqpaq v21.09 is now available.

What’s New

New Compare Window

Comparing snapshots is now easier with the new Compare window. Changes between the 2 snapshots are displayed in a 2-pane tree view.

Right-click and compare snapshots
Right-click and compare text files
Compare text file changes with Meld
Exclude files and folders from future snapshots
Add/remove filters for the current profile.

Set Preferred File Manager

The settings window has a new option to select the preferred file manager. This will be used to browse the snapshot when you double-click a snapshot in the list.


Updates are installed automatically when you update your system.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade # debian, ubuntu, raspberrypios

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh # fedora, centos

sudo pacman -Syu # archlinux, manjaro


A new license can be purchased from the below link.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Fred St. John

    I’ve been using Baqpaq for about a month and I’m highly satisfied. Baqpaq has replaced BackInTime as my data backup. I’m also a Timeshift and Aptik user. The quality of Tony’s applications is amazing.

    1. Tony George

      Thank you! Let me know if there any other features that you would like to see in this app.

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