Aptik v19.10
Aptik v19.10 is now available.
What’s New
Scheduled Refresh
You can now select a schedule for refreshing the Aptik backups. The backup can be scheduled to run on a daily frequency, at a fixed time, on specific weekdays.
Aptik v19.10 is now available.
You can now select a schedule for refreshing the Aptik backups. The backup can be scheduled to run on a daily frequency, at a fixed time, on specific weekdays.
Ukuu v19.10 is now available.
The options in Settings window are now more organized.
Aptik is a tool that can save you countless hours when reinstalling your operating system. Many people have downloaded this app over the last few years without realising what it can do, and are often surprised when they discover it.
Given below are 3 use-cases that Aptik is best suited for.